You are here: Purchasing > Landed Cost > Defining The Forms > Shipment Lines

Stock Lines

Displays the inventory items and related information for the shipment. To view import costs that have been apportioned to the lines, right mouse click anywhere in the line (other than drill-able fields e.g. Part Number), select View Import Costs from the pop-up box and the Line Cost form is displayed

Field Description
Order No, Line No Purchase order and line number for each inventory item
Invoice No Invoice number for the inventory item
Creditor Creditor account number and name from the relevant purchase order attached to the shipment
Part No Inventory part number
Description Inventory part number description
Supplier Part No Suppliers part number for the inventory item
Qty Ordered Quantity ordered for the inventory part number from the linked purchase order
Delivered On PO Quantity received against the inventory part number. This field is dynamically updated as Book Ins are activated
Qty This Shipment Quantity on this shipment. This field is critical as it is used to calculate the Landed Unit Cost and Landed Total Cost. This is the cost that stocked is received into inventory. When invoicing the inventory supplier, a message displays if Total Booked In and Qty This Shipment do not agree for all lines being invoiced
Cubic Value is populated from the inventory master record where it exists. Enter cubic size if required
Weight Value is populated from the inventory master record where it exists. Enter weight if required
Total Booked In Total quantity booked in is automatically updated as book in forms are activated and represents the total of booked in for the inventory item
Ordered Cost Ordered cost for the part from the purchase order
FX Ordered Cost FX ordered cost for the part
Currency Currency code
FX Rate Select from drop down list or enter the rate
FX Unit Cost FX unit cost for the part number
Unit Cost Ex GST Unit cost excluding GST
FX Line Total FX line total
Ex GST Line Total Excluding GST line total.
GST Rate Desc GST rate description
GST Rate Tax rate
GST Amount GST amount
Init Cost Inc GST Init cost including the GST
Inc GST Line Total Line total including GST
Value Monetary value of the import cost
Include Check box
Landed Cost Landed cost for one of the part numbers
Landed Total Landed cost for all the items
Job No Select from the drop down list
BookIn No Lists the BookIn number and quantity


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